Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Doritis pulcherrima var chomporensis

A gift from Jenny as a baby plant a couple of years ago! Now it has flowered! This flower broke off - so I have tried to take a shot of it with the macro lens in natural light. (Limited success!)
It is an upright spike of mainly white small flowers with some yellow splashes....
This is my only Doritis orchid but I think I might buy some more, they seem easy to grow.
This plant came from Brighton Orchids. It is a species from Thailand - and a lot of their orchids come from this part of the world.
It is supposed to be semi terrestial and similar to a Phaleanopsis - but I have it in a small vanda pot sitting high on a bench in a sunny spot. I have treated it like any other vandaceous orchid. The next photo will be of the whole plant. Hopefully all the flowers will be open this weekend.


At 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi...i saw your link at scotters fotopage.... just to answer flash+macro, its possible, but its a special flash in a circular form...but for me, its much much better natural lite...and thats something i see in your great pics...contratulations!!


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