Sunday, January 01, 2006

Cattleya Minerva

Cattleya Minerva - a classic purple Cat, given to me by Merle, my elderley friend from Pine Rivers Orchid Society. She gave me quite a few orchid cuttings and nearly all have grown well. I went to her house to help her repot her collections one very hot summer a few years ago. A few weeks later all her orchids had gone - her son in law had claimed the lot as she was deemed too old to look after them. I would have kept helping her too.

This macro lens takes a nice flower photo - just that little bit crisper. No need for editing!

It's hot as hell - but my repotting continues. This morning I did about 15, yesterday the same, my face as red as a brick and a wet towell on my neck. If a cockroach runs out of an orchid while I'm tearing it up, my dog Rusty catches him. Great fun for all really.


At 5:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well hello Lynda,

Thanks for the nice comments on my page.I usually try and put a new photo on there every day. So keep looking. You have some beautiful photos here. Your colour saturation is spot on. What type of macro lens do you have? I use a 100mm 1:1 Canon usm for my flower work. I actually have some orchids on my site that I found while bush walking for wedge tails one day.
I really like the shot of the Luke Thai you have done. My only suggestion for you is to not shoot in the middle of the day and to kep an eye on your backgrounds. If you can open up the apeture on your lens to say f2 - f5.6 you will make the background go way out of focus which in turn will make your flowers stand out even more.


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