Saturday, December 24, 2005

Luke Thai

This is Prra Luke Thai. A Perriarara orchid is a vandaceous intergeneric - that means it is a cross between several different genera or types of orchid - this one is a blend of vanda, aerides and rhyncostylis - I think! Of course it's from Thailand.
I finally found out how to edit my photos with the Canon software. This photo is cropped, saturated with a bit more colour and the light has been decreased. In fact, the orchid in real life looks nowhere near this good.
My photos will be a whole lot better from now on!
It's Christmas and it's hot. The orchids are watered and I plan to stay inside in airconditioned comfort from now on....

Friday, December 23, 2005

Aerides houlletiana

I bought two Aerides houlletianas by accident a few years ago as baby plants. They have both grown into the most healthy and trouble free plants, flowering every year. The flower is hard to photograph because the sprays as so pale in colour. This one is taken with the flash. The fragrance is so strong and very unusual - like a a sharp citrus or spice! This one is flowering for our hot Xmas season. With temps like 38 degrees only vandaceous are really happy....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

lovely lodegesii

Cattleya lodegessi is out. I love this photo I took yesterday in full sun. What a gem- and a species too. We can't improve really on mother nature with this one!