Friday, November 19, 2021

Orange vandaceous - Ascda Fuchs Spotted Cat


One from Brighton nursery before they closed down - this one never fails! 

Aerides odorata

 This is a species orchid - purchased a few years ago as ababy seedling from Fame Orchids. 

Unbelieveable fragrance!!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Den Jimboomba

Den Jimboomba


Vasco Tristar gold


Vasco Tristar Gold 'Mandarin' with Den suffusum all around the base....

Thsi Vasco was purchased a few years ago as a baby seedling from Brighton Orchids.

Sarco, a baby hartmanni cross

 A new one from Woolf orchids, can't recall the whole long hybrid name, it had hartmanni in it.

I do hope I can keep this one alive. I like the red centre.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Cattleya Eve Marie Barnett

 I have owned this catt for a long time, it finally flowered!

Rhynchostylis retusa - the baby one

 I bought a few of these from Mackay Orchids by mail order, very nice! This one has just flowered after 2 years and one repotting into a vanda basket.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Dendrobium tetragonum 'Red Lip'

What a gorgeous plant this is going to be one day!  First flowering here - it is just a seedling. It is massive flower and an great shape, excellent red markings.  I hope I can keep it alive!

Rhynchostylis coelostis Blue

 This one was mail ordered from Mackay Orchids, so glad I did! It flowers a lot. trouble is, the lower tiny flowers fade away before the new upper ones appear. 

Saturday, August 07, 2021

First prize Den Jade Junior

 I won First in the Dendrobium category this year at Pine Rivers Orchid Society meeting. Very proud!

The winning orchid is Den Jade Junior.

Purple Cattleya

 This is Lc Irene Finney 'York' x Blc Donna Kimura 'Asa', a consistent winter bloomer over the past 10 years! I picked this pair of flowers and made a floral display with some cypress leaves.

Friday, December 04, 2020

Rhynchostylis retusa pink

 I'm back. I had abandoned this blog for years - not sure why...Facebook?  Anyway, I thought I would start adding my fave orchid snapshots here again.  Yes I am still growing orchids and have been for 25 years. This orchid is probably one of my most loved. It is a mature plant and performs well. three spays this year - and all hanging without marks or blemishes, lasting for weeks, a mild fragrance.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Vanda!

This Vanda is flowering for the first time and it's lovely! It is V. J.V.B. x V. Bangkok Blue from Brighton Orchids. I bought it as a seedling plant a few years ago. It has been worth the wait!